We see many patients who suffer from low back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Myofascial Pain Syndrome is a condition that typically presents with referred pain to the low back, neck, and head. This is also commonly called trigger points.

What Is A Trigger Point?

Trigger points are knots or ropes of contracted muscles. They can be detected by a medical professional upon palpation. The severity of a trigger point can only be measured using a pain scale. 

The problem with trigger points is that they can not be diagnosed by today’s radiology modalities. So they can only be observed visually and by the severity of pain.

There have been some studies that have shown a reduction in spasming observed under MRI. Though these studies finding are only recently emerging and are still difficult to measure.

Patients with chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia are frequently affected by trigger points. Being able to accurately measure the severity of the muscle knot or rope is difficult.

What Is A Trigger Point Injection?

One popular treatment for pain management due to myofascial pain syndrome is trigger point injections or TPI. The procedure consists of a small needle that delivers a local anesthetic and usually a corticosteroid. The pain is directly and locally rendered inactive. This has an immediate and lasting effect. Of up to one month in many cases.

Other conditions such as whiplash and chronic pelvic pain syndrome can be treated with TPI. Whenever a pain condition presents itself with radiating pain from the spine, it can generally be treated with TPI.

What Is The Benefit Of A TPI?

The main benefit of TPI is so that the patient can return to therapy. Resuming participation can further increase flexibility with both stretching and range of motion exercises.

Fibromyalgia patients are a population that receives some of the greatest benefits of TPI. This often times can be an immediate relief of pain. While allowing the patient to return to therapy.

Patients who suffer from tension headaches can also receive immediate benefits. Injections in the upper shoulder muscles or upper trapezius are very effective in treating this type of pain.

Studies have shown that even dry needle TPI, meaning without medication, have also provided similar relief in over 90% of patients tested. This technique is available for patients with allergies to certain medications as well.

What To Watch Out For After Your TPI

TPI is a very low-risk procedure. Several sites can be administered in a single session. Making it a very efficient procedure. The pain is about the same as a blood draw. The only other risk is an infection from the needle. Otherwise, the procedure is very safe.

Our staff of medically trained pain management experts can help. We are licensed to administer this procedure in the safety of our office. Give us a call at 909 887 2991 to set an appointment. Let us relieve the pressure and relieve your pain. So you may get back to your normal pain-free life.


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