Treating Chronic Pain: An Interventional Approach

If you are suffering from chronic pain, you may have sought help from a wide variety of sources. After trying over-the-counter medications, altering your physical activity, and relying on the support of friends and family, you may have turned to healthcare providers for relief from the chronic pain. Physicians, nurses, physical therapists, chiropractors, and several other types of professionals offer treatments intended to reduce pain and improve the overall quality of life.

One such type of medical professional is called an Interventional Pain physician. This specialist may offer treatment with targeted procedures that focus on pain generators and may allow you to experience some relief from your daily struggle.

What does an Interventional Pain Physician do?

Interventional Pain physicians are specially trained to diagnose chronic pain conditions and to perform procedures aimed at treating underlying causes of pain. The majority of these physicians went through a residency training program in anesthesiology, neurology, or physical medicine and rehabilitation after medical school. After residency, these doctors go through another year of further training in an accredited fellowship program. The additional program allows them to obtain board certification in Pain Medicine after passing a myriad of tests. These physicians often manage many classes of medications, but they are also prepared to offer more complete treatment.

Finding a Personalized Solution for Your Pain

Interventional Pain physicians look at many options for procedural pain relief especially in the area of knee and back pain. Historically an Interventional Pain physician has relied on using steroid injections, and they remain a valuable tool. But many patients now benefit from a number of treatments offered by Interventional Pain physicians.

Interventional pain management techniques include:

  • Epidural steroid injections
  • Facet joint injections
  • Medial branch blocks
  • Nerve blocks
  • Sacroiliac injections
  • Radiofrequency ablation
  • Medication
  • Spinal cord stimulation, and other neurostimulation approaches
  • Trigger point injections

Chronic pain is too complex to rely on medications alone. Fortunately, treatments are evolving that allow us to give an assimilation of different types of therapies to provide the best overall outcome for you as a patient. Call us today to make interventional pain procedures an integral key to your pain management solution: 909 887 2991.

Categories: Personal Home Care
Inland Pain Medicine:

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  • Jessie Holloway says:

    I love how you point out that interventional pain management can have custom-built programs that are made for you and what you can do. I've been having back pains for quite some time and nothing seems to ever work to mitigate it. I'll have to look into finding a clinic I can go to try interventional pain management.